Blogger Andrew Miller explores ways to bring game-based learning to the classroom using Minecraft.
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Recently I have facilitated Case Study for Searchmetrics, our SEO partner at our company. It was a nice experience that I want to share with you. Find the case study below. “We were using Moz at the time,” notes Da Silva, “but we wanted a more robust platform. We have a lot of detailed pagesRead More
There’s been a lot of debate about how big or small the latest Penguin 3.0 update was. This post won’t offer a measure, but will assemble the information we’ve gathered and suggest what may happen next. I believe that the indisputable truth about Google’s updates belongs to Google only, and for all that we know, Penguin 3.0 impactedRead More
Why Google Ads In Mobile Apps Are Dangerous The Display Network spreads across millions of websites, apps, and videos, reaching 93% of users online. It’s a powerful tool when used correctly, yet there are a few more intricate optimizations that tend to sneak by unnoticed. The silent killer in this scenario would be related toRead More
Which days drive the most transactions? In order to develop a successful holiday retail strategy, it’s important to first understand the days that drive the most sales for your business. Once you understand this, you can craft a strategy that optimizes your media and promotion not only for these days, but for the entire holidayRead More
As expected SearchMetrics have finally released their Ranking Factor 2014. It seems that most of factors are still unchanged, and as usual, high quality, relevant content is increasingly the focus of search and the quantity and quality of backlinks remains crucial. According to SearchMetrics, for the first time they measured user signals against search results.Read More
Last year Google have released their Gmail Sponsored Promotions. It is slightly different from the traditional Contextual ads that people are use to. The main difference is that Gmail Sponsored Promotions can turn literally into an e-mail marketing campaign within another e-mail marketing campaign. The main technical difference is that adsense ads leads your userRead More
One can try to convince me otherwise, but SEO is all about links. There has been a lot of discussions currently regarding “Content is king” and so forth, however all this only makes sense because at the end of the day, every website want to attract and acquire as many links as possible. Link buildingRead More
I am big fan of History. All kind of History, from western Roman History to Chinese Dynasties, however I have to admit that the “Social Media History” that started according to the infographic below in the mid 70’s, is a very nice and easy way to explain the evolution of Social Media. Some might disagreeRead More